About Us
We are a private medical aesthetic clinic in Wolverhampton specialising in aesthetic and cosmetic treatments that you may be considering.
Our ethos is to provide you with a safe environment for aesthetic/cosmetic treatments and optimal service. We also provide a venue for the training of aesthetic practitioners by our own staff. The training area is also used by aesthetic companies to train aesthetic delegates.
The clinic’s Medical Director is Mr Dalvi Humzah: BSc(Hons), MBBS(Hons), AKC, FRCS(Glas), FRCS(Plast), MBA. He is a Consultant Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon and Lead Trainer. He has a national and international presence in aesthetics.
Non-clinical staff include Edyta Gibbard and Phillip Gibbard, they provide administrative and business support and patient services.
Our mission and core focus is to ensure the highest standards of personalised care, through our commitment to a culture of respect, integrity and compassion.
We look forward to welcoming you to the clinic – you can contact us through the link on our contact page or the button on the top right.

About Beechwood House Medical Aesthetic Clinic
Beechwood House was previously a dental practice and then private practice consulting rooms. This has been refurbished as a Medical Aesthetic Clinic, to provide a bright, luxurious and airy feel with 2 waiting areas and available refreshments. It is in a quiet private area of Wolverhampton. it is easily accessible by public transport and has discrete on-site private parking. We provide a number of specialised and up-to-date medical aesthetic procedures tailored to your specific needs.
The clinical rooms meet the standards of the CQC; two rooms are earmarked for CQC-regulated activities e.g. Threads and minimally invasive surgery. A separate room has been designated for Laser and Photodynamic therapy and further general clinical rooms to house medical consultants and nurses.
We have a Training Suite for 20 delegates with 2 clinical training rooms for practical demonstrations.
We provide a safe, comfortable, clinical environment for you with a separate area for aesthetic training delivered to medical professionals.
Beechwood House is a Grade II listed building, built in the 1840s by George Thorneycroft, ironmaster and first Mayor of Wolverhampton, for the use of his daughters upon their marriages. Ellen was married in 1857 to Henry Fowler and they lived in the house for 10 years. Henry Hartley Fowler became Wolverhampton Mayor at the age of 32 and was known for his common sense, good judgement and intelligence. In 1866, when the new statue of Prince Albert was placed on High Green in Wolverhampton, Henry encouraged the council to invite Queen Victoria to unveil it – she had not accepted any public engagements since her beloved Albert’s death in 1861. She accepted and her visit was arranged. High Green was then renamed Queen Square in her honour. He instigated the construction of West Park which opened a year after he had been elected MP, was knighted by Queen Victoria and made Lord of Wolverhampton by Edward VII. At Beechwood House Medical and Aesthetic Clinic we provide a number of specialised and up-to-date medical aesthetic procedures tailored to your specific needs.
Contact us now to book your consultation or click on the button on the top right.